Sunday, November 8, 2015

Happy Fall 2015 All,

We have a bit of snow but not enough.... we are all doing snow dances in these parts. Thought I should update this old Blog as it is almost old technology now.

Hallowe'en has come and gone, as have Kate's birthday and cranberry season. Heather and a friend dropped by en route to Alaska. Other than that, not much to report.

Here are a few photos to enjoy.
Kate opens up the stride during the Yukon Cross-country Championships. 

Happy 11th Birthday. 

Always helpful and fashionable - Kate washing windows on Thanksgiving weekend - it was really cold but one has to wear a wetsuit when washing windows. 


The "identity thief' and Mustard

Local Foxy Loxy hanging out on our woodpile. Get those squirrels will ya? 

Cranberry Season

Having fun?

Mira and Friends making Thanksgiving pies... for everyone!

Have a great fall/winter everyone. Cheers. Sharon