Saturday, December 5, 2009

New Zealand

Hello all,

We have arrived safely in New Zealand and what a shock it has been. We arrived to 16 degree, pouring raing and cold.. cold. cold.... We didn't sign on for this. Our all night flight was followed by a two hour shuttle wait then two hour ride to Hamilton, NZ. It is a pretty town with lots of parks and a really long river trail. Kate and Mira have been enjoying the playgrounds.

We have really been suffering from jetlag and culture shock. Kate greeted New Zealand with the exclamation - "Ah, We're in Whitehorse!" (that was the weather!) We were all up for part of the night last night - big time change and had to wake everyone to check out for 11 am.

We can walk the streets here on the sidewalk! There are long streets that are essentially empty. Although they speak English here, which should make things easier for us, Paul and I are still asking folks to repeat themeselves so we can understand what has been asked of us. Food and accommodations are expensive - gone are the days of great meals for almost no cost. We are in the process of finding a place to hang our hats and a car to drive. New Zealand like Canada is not made for backpackers without a car.

We saw our friends Krista, Ray and Lily last night. They treated us to a homemade meal and good conversation. We were feeling much more positive after that...

We will keep you posted. ttfn. sharon


  1. Hi all,
    I am glad you made it safe and sound. I hope the weather improves. Being from the north, I am sure you have the proper clothing. The weather here has been stellar. Still no snow! Tell Kate that she's a long way from Whitehorse where it's minus 10 today.

  2. Toot:
    We saw the Stewarts yesterday and they said that they had a great time with you and that you were great!
    Have you seen any emus yet?? Snow here today... yuck!
    Love Puddle
