Sunday, January 31, 2010

Bye Bye Sparks and Hello Coromandel

Pukeko says Hi...
We had a very busy week. The Sparks Family from Whitehorse came to visit us on their last few days in New Zealand. We feel honoured that they could end their time with us. Cayley, Mira, Tristan and Kate had great games of tag and hide-and-go-seek after dark in around our house. I think the high pitched screams of the girls will announce to the neighbours that we are new to the area. We even discovered that we have glow worms in our very own backyard - thanks to Caroline's and Mike's discovery as they headed off to sleep in their tent out back.

sharon, paul, kate, mira, cayley, tristan, caroline and mike en route to Cawhia... tired of being cooped up in the car?

On a slightly overcast day but at least not as hot as it has been, we all loaded up to Cawhia to introduce the Sparks to the hot pools at low tide.
Cayley, Mira, Tristan and Kate

The beach at Cawhia has iron sand. The iron content is so high, Japanese ships come over and dredge the harbour at Cawhia and take the sand back to produce iron ore. This means the sand is black and very, very hot. Even with sandals on, everyone was suffering as we climbed the dunes to get to the beach. We all had our own strategies to deal with the excruciating pain caused by the sand. Paul ran from grass outcrop to the next, I stopped every-so-often to stand on one foot, the girls just made a mad dash for the ocean and Tristan road his boogie board down the dune at break neck speed. In the end, we all arrived at the beach.

After some extensive exploration, the only hot pools we could find were right beside everyone else's pool. So we moved in and we decided to build big! WE all got too much sun despite 40 spf sunscreen.
Kate enjoying the hot pool.
IN the end, the tide came in (cold oceanic water) and ruined our wonderful creation :)
Girls enjoying a drink at the end of a hot day.
As we tried to squish in a much fun with the Sparks as possible, we hit the Hamilton Gardens before they headed north to Auckland to fly to LA and then back to the great White North and we headed north east to the Coromandel. Thanks for all the good fun and I hope you had a great trip at Disney Cayley, Tristan, Caroline and Mike!

We have been very fortunate to have had great experiences so far here in NZ because we have had the opportunity to meet friends of Krista and Ray. This weekend was no exception. Krista and Ray introduced us to their friends Ray and Nyra (the folks with the cows mentioned in a previous blog) and they in turn invited us to their bach (cottage) in Whitianga (Fitianga) to go deep sea fishing. We made the epic ride through the windy roads to their cottage on Thursday and on Friday the men-folk went fishing... it was a production - getting the boat ready and towed down to the ocean then... well lets just say that our boys were green in the gills and we ate lasagna for dinner.
Kate fishing off the boat, Ray Newdick built himself.
Off they go to the wharf. Ray Newdick in the tractor and Paul in the boat.
Everyone gets in on the fun.
Are we there yet?
When the rain kept us from the boogie boarding at Buffalo Beach, Ray and Nyra led us up over another mountain pass to Kuaotunu and Otama Beach - one of the most beautiful beaches even in the pouring rain - Krista braved the elements for the shot. Thank you Krista. We even drove through fields to see the ocean but no boogie boarding here.
We did get SINGLE SCOOP ice-creams at the local ice-cream store! They were enormous! We did witness a fellow that ate the Kuaotunu Killer - a five scoop ice cream cone! He was green too.
Kate's cone was piled so high it fell - on mom. Thanks mom for catching it for me.

ttfn now from rainy but very green NZ. s

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Abba - Dancing Queen?

Abba - So we danced, sang and generally all 'round had a riot. We were invited to our first theme party - Legends of Rock and Roll on Saturday. Bev and Nigel, friends of Krista and Ray, invited to come dressed as a God and Goddess of Rock. After much debate (I was pushing for the Wiggles for the ease of costume -totally shot down (Kay said it was social suicide)). We settled on ABBA. The girls and I went opp shopping (second hand shopping) and pulled our costume together.
The look we were aiming for.....
The look we got!
Don't you love the blue eyeshadow?
All the kids gathered for a photo op.... great fun had by all.
Krista and Ray - or should I say Pink and Elton.


Friday, January 22, 2010

Just like Hanoi

Hi all,

Another day in paradise. It actually has been pretty rainy as of late but still lovely and hot when the sun shines. Mira's swim club is hardcore - even when it is pouring - bounce off the pavement type downpour - the lengths continue. I think she is enjoying it. She is putting in lots of hours doing length. Kate plays happily in a warm pool while big sis is working hard.

We have settled in quite nicely to 24 Bracken Street - even had Krista, Ray and Lily for a NZ barbie. We are expecting our Whitehorse friends - the Sparks Family on Monday for a few days and Mira will get one last play with her good friend, Cayley, before they head back to the Great White North.

We took the girls and Lily to the Kiwi House in Otorhanga - thought after a month we should see a real Kiwi. We were surprised to learn how big they are.
Pukeko - this bird is almost as famous as the kiwi over here - he is on all sorts of merchandise and even has his own series of kids books.
Kiwi family - actually stuffed. As nocturnal birds, we only got to see them in a darkened room so we could take pictures - this will have to do.
Look real?
Ride'em cowboy.

After visiting the Kiwi house - we visited new friends (old friends of Krista's) Ray and Nyra. They own a beef farm near Pirongia. Ray hooked up the trailer to the old tractor and set up chairs in the trailer and pulled us down to one of the fields in real style. Nyra was giggling on the bumpy trip. We toured down to where 40 of his 'girls' were grazing. There Ray rolled under the electric fence to introduce us to his cows. They were very curious. Mira made the observation that the cows were lined up like the scooters in Hanoi. What do you think?
Ray's Cows.
Scooter in Hanoi?

Ray in the field with the girls.

As expected, it wasn't long before Kate had to be passed over the fence to visit with these cows. She wasn't the least bit afraid.
Cowhand in the making?

Surrounded by cows.

This week, Mira started her horseback riding lessons. She is very keen and even doing exercises between classes.

Mira on her horse, Roadrunner.
The expert kids from the Cambridge Pony Club. I don't know anything about horses... as I keep telling the girls, or as they say here - I don't come from a horsey background - but these do not look like ponies to me!

They look like great big horses to me.

Ta for now, sharon

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The beat goes on...

Hi all,

Lots has happened since I last posted a blog. We are once again in Cambridge after traveling around with our beloved tent. We said goodbye to our B&B outside of Cambridge on Friday and moved into Ray and Krista's backyard for the weekend. There is an overlap, Krista and Ray get their new house on Sunday and we had to be out of our spot on Friday. What fun! Of course, it rained all night. I lay there listening to the rain, which is usually a pleasant experience but now with our less that water tight tent, induces insomnia. I just lay there imagining and at times experiencing the drips...

Some of the "big stuff" happening include our new car - car number 3 but who is counting. We returned the use-it-while-we-find-you-another-car car after dragging it up the most amazing mountains and down incredibly steep roads loaded to the gills with camping and beach gear. We decided it wasn't big enough and went up...

Then Paul got himself some wheels. He is enjoying the countryside and discovering roads that are unnamed on our maps.
Paul is wearing his jangles while he gets ready for his first ride.
Paul sets off. After months of being together, together, together - the four of us, I wasn't sure he would but he did come back.
Kate's new wheels - we took in the beach again this week - why not?
Mira in front of Marilyn at the Hamilton Gardens in the American Garden.
Paul, Kate and Mira looking out over the Waikato River.

Crazy girls. (See that tooth hanging out of Mira's mouth? She lost it last night. She collected yet again from the Tooth Fairy. Mira must be on her Frequent Flyers program.)
It is lily time.
'nough said.

After yet another trip to the Hamilton Gardens - it is truly spectacular. We took in the Sculpture Gardens while Paul went off to discover new territory on his bike. Here is Kate with an unlikely visitor.

Mira - our fearless navigator.
Mira and Kate with Maori Totems.

The last big item in this week is our new house.
24 Bracken Street,
Leamington, Cambridge
New Zealand
Kate is out in front of our new to us, old to Krista and Ray's house. It is beautiful 3 bedroom house with a bath and a half. We are close to town and only a 20 minute walk to the town pool. It is fully furnished and all ours - tomorrow.

The only drawback is the palm tree full of pigeons - there must be at least 30 and they take great joy in using our vehicles at target practice....

ta for now. s