Saturday, January 23, 2010

Abba - Dancing Queen?

Abba - So we danced, sang and generally all 'round had a riot. We were invited to our first theme party - Legends of Rock and Roll on Saturday. Bev and Nigel, friends of Krista and Ray, invited to come dressed as a God and Goddess of Rock. After much debate (I was pushing for the Wiggles for the ease of costume -totally shot down (Kay said it was social suicide)). We settled on ABBA. The girls and I went opp shopping (second hand shopping) and pulled our costume together.
The look we were aiming for.....
The look we got!
Don't you love the blue eyeshadow?
All the kids gathered for a photo op.... great fun had by all.
Krista and Ray - or should I say Pink and Elton.



  1. Wow!! We loved Paul's vest - a keeper for sure. I think it will be a bit hit in Whitehorse. The boots are most excellent as well! The girls look very grown up. Keep practicing Dancing Queen and you can headline at the Park Theatre when you return later this year - they are in to "tribute bands" these days!! xoxo Janet and Grandma and Alice

  2. Great stuff!
    Paul's a natural Swede. Kate looks quite saucy in her boa. I love the picture of the four of you around the tree.
    Looks like your having fun.
