Saturday, November 3, 2012

It's about time - Fall 2012

Hi all.... it has been a long time since we posted some news... what can I say - we've been busy. 

Summer was grand - a visit back East and Quebec city. Seems like an eternity ago.
Bobby, Kate, Ava and Mira - cousins having a laugh. 

Kate being Kate at Uncle's Scott's pool.

Fall meant starting up with school and lots of activities. Kate has joined ski squad this year so both girls are Cross-country skiing. Mira has already had practices on skis - yes we have snow.

Both girls are dancing as well - Kate is doing Modern and Mira is doing Urban. Who knows what that is but it makes them tired. So that is good. Mira's first impressions of High School? HOMEWORK! and lots and lots of it. She is on the Volleyball team as well. They have a tournie all weekend.

We are staying warm and staying out of trouble. Hope you are all well. sharon

The local weather vane (a real plane that actually moves with the wind) was Yarn Bombed this year. They covered it with knitting. Here is Kate in front of it. The blankets were then donated. 

Paul's pride and joy - 24 blossoms on his orchid. 

Kate turned 8, which was great! She invited 8 friends for a swim, scavenger hunt and craft to celebrate her big day. Happy Birthday Kate.

Happy Scavenger hunters. 


First snowman of the year - Mira made it after school. 

Mira and the snowman. 

Kate got one last jump in before we took the trampoline down for the year. 

Hallowe'en on Sunset. 

Kate as a witch - her inside costume.

Kate as a ghost - her outside costume.

Mira and squad friends had a ski camp in Kluane park this year. Hiking and fun were topped off with a restful night in Teepees. Cool. 

Mira and Kate participated in the ski squad Hallowe'en party - running around in the bush, under the full moon from bonfire to bonfire. That is how to have fun. 

Cheers. sharon

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