Monday, July 5, 2010

Canada? We're back....

Hi all, I haven't written for sometime.. I guess I am in denial - Is the trip really over?

We arrived home safe and sound - more or less. The jet lag really threw us for a good loop. We were the better part of a week just getting back to a sane schedule - we had a few yogurt parties at 3am and Mom graciously joined us for the fun.

We have been able to get out to the cottage some. We are doing our part to keep cottage traditions alive and imparting the "fun" in menial labour. Mira and Kate or should I say Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer did the fence this year. They didn't go through nearly as much paint as Kay and I did when we were young but the job still got done.

Mira hard at work.

Kate painting the fence - white!

Cleaning the brushes.

The girls have been very excited to come back to visit Grandma, Alice and the cousins.

Alice celebrating Canada Day with Mira.

Not nearly as fun as the parade in Skagway, Jan and Sharon in Cobourg.



Poor Alice.

Cottage fun continues. I am not nearly as brave as I was when I was 12 and now, as the 'watch person' I gasp a great deal, cover my eyes (not a good habit when you are supposed to be watching) and whisper 'slow down' under my breath while the kids squeal with glee......

Kate is officially toothless - this one was lost during a particularly competitive game of Twister.

Cheers from Canada, s