Monday, December 19, 2011

AHHHHH, it is beginning to look like VACATION TIME!

Hi all - Happy Holidays (which officially started for us TODAY!)

December as every month, has been very busy. The Tim Horton's Ski Skills Day was a highlight. Kate was a participant and Mira was a leader. It was cold, of course, but smiles were the order of the day.

Kate heading off to join her team.

Kate careening down a hill - she has to pick up a carrot on the way by and drop it in a bucket. This one was more entertaining for the spectators than it was for the skiers.


Day finished off with tug-a-war - Kate and Hannah giving it their all.

Mira pulling for the other team.

Rowdy spectator!

Mira preparing for the school Christmas concert.

To celebrate the end of school and the beginning of the Christmas vacation, we headed off skating on Windy Arm, just south of Carcross. It was amazing - kilometers of black, smooth ice with mountains surrounding us. We skated into the wind only to be rewarded with a free ride back. The best part of the day was the 'human curling' match. Kids got ice chunks, lay on them and let others push, pull or tug them across the sheet of glass only to be shot off into the distance, to howls of laughter and only a few near missed. Pure joy.

Paul and Kate skating.

Kate warming up.

You'd never know that there were over 40 people enjoying the ice....

Mira being pushed along by the wind.

Paul in action.


Kate walking down to the lake.

Human Curling on Windy Arm, Yukon

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Halloween and Birthdays in Whitehorse

Hi all, Well we are well into November... how did that happen.

October was a really mild month for us - thank goodness. Because of the shortage of wood delivery this year, we had to take matters in our own hands; we went off to the Junction and cut a few cords of wood together before the snow fell. Mira took part this year and learned that wood heats twice - once when you cut it and again when you burn it. I would argue that the tossing up on the truck and off the truck and then piling it up all contributes to some extra BTUs as well....

Kate playing in the back yard.

Smiling Kate.

October is Hallowe'en but more importantly, Kate's birthday. We celebrated Kate's 7th this year. First a cake with friends at home and then the party at the Multiplex. Great fun had by all.

Party at the multiplex - swimming, cake and crafts.

This is the 'Goodie bag' - we painted terra cotta planters like Jack'o'lanterns, filled them with Smarties and added a vampire lollie on top. Hit.

Kate in costume for Hallowe'en - pretty cute vampire.

Roller Derby Girl Mira - there wasn't much snow for Hallowe'en this year, so she and a friend actually roller bladed around the neighbourhood.

Looking Mean .


Then the snow came.... and came and came.... we got 47 centimetres in one week... Can you say pass the shovel?

Mira got a hair cut - here is the before shower look - they brushed it.

Kate got a hair cut too...

Well we are hiding today. The weather folks promise it will warm up soon. It is a balmy -43 right now with the wind chill but Paul say the wind chill is only for wimps. It is really only -33 but that is still chilly in my books. Hope you are all toasty where ever you may be.

Cheers to all.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Fall is in the air Yukon Style

First day of Grade 7 and Grade 2 for Kate and Mira

Well hello out there.... We have almost survived the first month of school and we are busy, busy busy with school, dance, dry land training (ski team) as well as reconnecting with friends, after school activities and band (Mira is starting the trombone! wish us luck)

Mira makes her first cake - alone... check out the icing to cake ratio!

The biggest highlight so far this fall was the Klondike Road Relay... the Green Squad Gremlins (Mira's Ski team friends) participated in the relay - for adults - they run from Skagway to Whitehorse through the night. For the youth, they run half of the full race, Carcross to Whitehorse (76 km) with an 8 person team. Two cars left Whitehorse at 3:00 am - the boy car - which I am told was very quiet, and the girl car, which had enough energy to power a small village. We had the music going, make-up on, glow lights and lots of energy. Mira ran her leg at a little after 5 am in the pitch dark. We encouraged her up the hills in the dark with a bull horn. The night was full of stars and a full moon. Earlier in the night the northern lights had put on a show. Great fun was had by all. We started in Carcross at 4:30 am and crossed the finish line in Whitehorse, with a decent second place finishing at a bit before 11 am. What a run!

The girls preparing for the first leg... Go Hannah go..!

Mira cheering on her friends.

The four girls of the eight person team.

Tired finishers....

Exhausted finishers....

Mira and Maggie...

Lots of fun.

Hope you all are well. Have a great fall. :) s

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Summer in the Yukon

Hi all,

School is out and I am finally taking 5 minutes to complete another blog.
Anna, Larry and Kate at Ecole Whitehorse Elementary - second last day of school.

Just before school was out, our Toronto friends Anna and Larry joined us (and were fabulously unfazed by the building chaos) to celebrate the end of the school year, Anna's b-day and the Kluane Chilkat International Bike Relay from Haines Junction, Yukon to Haines, Alaska. It is 238.2 km of mountain passes, ocean views, climbs and descents. Paul and Larry did their two team relay and Anna and we girls provided exemplary support from the comfort of a 4 wheeled vehicle. The day was calm and smiles were on the faces - at least until the last 3 kilometers...

Start of the race.

Art shot - Anna.

Car bound girls - happy to get out and stretch and cheer.

Larry coming up fast in his 4th leg.

Paul takes off.

Larry and Anna.

Kate being Kate.

Cheers from Paul's fans.

Kate, Mira and Anna along the coast in Haines, Alaska.

Lupins, Irises and Sweet Peas.

Wee hike on a nice day on the coast.


Kate enjoying a spa day in our backyard.

A neighbour - en route to Skagway for the 4th of July.

We spent Canada Day in Whitehorse and as is tradition, a large contingent of Hillcrest folk headed to the Dyea Flats, Skagway, Alaska for July 4th Celebrations. The flats were wonderful. The kids ( 8 of them) spent hours running and playing in the long grass - fortunately this year, the bears were not around. The parade and festivities were a highlight. Kate won a couple of running races and pocketed $4 in winnings and Mira and Sacha each won their division for the 5km morning run and got to pick out books at the local book store. Mommy and Kate finished the race but well in the back. Seems that 4 nights of going to bed REALLY late under the midnight sun tapped Kate of some of her natural energy. Fun was had by all though.
Mira and Kate being 'Uncle Sam' in Skagway.

Kids preparing for the annual egg toss - no one made it to the finals but we now know why there are no eggs at the local grocery store.

One of Mira's jobs this summer has been caring for wee Seth - who is really cute. :)

So that is all the news from the North right now. I am off with the girls for a few days of camping and then off to Ontario. Paul is slaving on the house - go Paul go!

Happy Holidays all. sharon